Indy Southside Nazarene is a covenant community where all people, all ages are being holistically transformed.
Transformative Discipleship - Taking our next steps in the journey of grace.
Indy Southside Nazarene is passionate about making disciples. We believe that every person, no matter how old, has a next step on their journey with the Holy Spirit, as we receive grace upon grace and are transformed from glory to glory. We do life together, walking with each other and being made disciples even as we ourselves make disciples.
Intentional Diversity - Everyone has value to the kingdom of God.
Indy Southside values and emphasizes diversity in all we do. We are a multicultural body of believers with ministries in English, Spanish, Burmese, and Chin Matu (Burmese dialect). Not only that, but we are intentional about all ages being both ministered and used here in our family of believers. Despite race, gender, or age, everyone has value to the kingdom of God, and we strive to let that permeate all we do here.
Family Connection - We "family" together.
Indy Southside believes that it "takes a village" to raise a child, and more than that, to disciple the family. We want to equip all members of the family for growth as individuals and as a unit. We shape our philosophy of worship and ministry around a model of truly being a family here. No one is left behind; we move forward together in our journeys of grace.
Christlike Compassion - Neighbors serving neighbors.
Indy Southside is an outward-minded church with a heart for reaching the holistic needs of our community on the south side of Indianapolis. We aim to serve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs through consistent and intentional compassionate outreach that meet the specific needs of the community we are called to serve.
Authentic Worship - All we are experiencing all He is.
Indy Southside is passionate about creating environments of worship where people can fully experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in His fullness. Through Spirit-led music, preaching, and participation in the sacraments, our Sunday mornings are designed to do more than just preach the gospel. We want our people to encounter the gospel in spirit and in truth.
Sunday 10:30 AM
(Hispanic Service breaks out following combined worship)
2515 E. Thompson Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 44227
For more information on our doctrine and beliefs, check out https://nazarene.org/beliefs